Using data science to save money on my next trip to Mexico

How am I using basic data work to ensure I am getting a good price on my trip.
A collection of 14 posts
How am I using basic data work to ensure I am getting a good price on my trip.
My review of the latest Spark and AI Summit hosted in San Francisco on April 24th and 25th 2019.
A more technical post about how I end up efficiently JOINING 2 datasets with REGEX using a custom UDF in SPARK
Let’s not start with data science this time. Let’s start with psychology. I am far from having any competence in this domain, but I remember in high school being presented the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The best I can describe...
Data Science is getting very popular and many people are trying to jump into the bandwagon, and this is GREAT. But many assume that data science, machine learning, plug any other buzzword here, is to plug data to some Sckit-Learn libraries....